then last night, my roommate and i happened upon a squash party at balliceaux [which is my new favourite place to go out. great shows, good atmosphere, nice cocktails]. we almost ditched since it was a private party, but once a waiter gave us the green light, we decided to go for it. we got our drinks, sat down at our own huge table, and pondered over what squash actually was. my guess was a british sport, and i was not far off. woo got up the courage to go ask a few guys what it actually was, after much debate on who to ask. the guys she asked happened to be spectators not players, but their good friend was a player and he explained to her how the game was played, while they sent over a man from paraguay to explain it to me. i joined them for a nice conversation about the sport and we were invited to the U.S. Squash Open, the next day, which is being held in Richmond this entire week at U of R. we went and it was actually thrilling. it's similar to racquetball, but different ball, different racquet, and you can't just hit it anywhere on the court. very tactical, apparently. and elite.
we watched the Brit beat the Egyptian, who was playing hurt all week. it only went to the third game because Ramy was hurt. we are going to Vault tonight downtown because the player we met last night is taking a bunch of the Europeans out dancing. it is sure to be a good time had by all.

the question now remains, which is better? as woo put it, "let's see, a vegetable or hot sweaty men on a court. i prefer the latter." i love squash in all forms now. i don't think i can pick a favourite, though i did find a new kind i like last night. go squash!
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