alas, it is snowing yet again. which means more of that canned soup and my inner martha are about to emerge. i've been exploring the crafty side of me during the many blizzards of winter 2010 [curse you who started saying "snowpocolypse," you're super dumb], and not gonna lie, it has been quite the delight. last week i rediscovered the felt scraps i have been saving since i swore never to touch the stuff ever again [long story short: 2 years ago >> felt construction class >> getting ready for exhibition in phoenix >> all-nighter >> mom finds me covered in rit dye, needles, and my own drool]. good stuff. made a bird.
not sure what to do with the lobster monster.
also, i've been teaching myself how to crochet. it is a lot harder than i thought. so far i have these little leaves, not sure what for.
coco chanel biography = best valentine's day gift ever!
today, as soon as i saw those nasty snowflakes falling, i dug out my old sewing machine from the good ol' teenage angst days. i don't know why the picture here made it look so cyan-y, it is more periwinkle in person. not that's it's important... but anyway, i remember putting this baby away after i broke it 6-ish years ago. so there i was, cursing the weather because i thought i had to go to sears. turns out the only thing it needed was a replacement needle. which was inside the accessory box. took maybe 20 seconds to fix. oh, silly 18-year old [aka. dramatic] me!

yes, that is a little caesar's napkin [don't judge me!], nothing like some extra greasy cheese pizza to help you brainstorm for dress designs.
with the recent expansion of my beloved button collection, i've decided i need a bigger container for my sewing needs. i love you, heart shaped box i got for my 13th birthday, but i must move on. i guess you can hold all of my buttons. they're the best part of my sewing kit anyway. when the snow clears, i need to take a trip to the nearest fabric store.
i've been saving those black shoelaces for some reason. i hope to find out soon.
welp, at least tonight i have figure skating to look forward too. did anyone catch ladies short program last night? alls i gotta say is, and i'm not just saying because i support my koreans[i love usa too i swear], but kim yuna is a sick individual.

just how fierce is this chick?
poor thing has so much pressure on her. can't wait to see her tomorrow night!
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