ronald and i are on a mission. for the best ice cube tray ever. one that makes gigantic cube ice cubes. and no, i don't want to make a mold. i just want to have one, and fill it up with ease when i want to make a drink and have it look decedent, so i can enjoy a drink in the comfort of my home. i have been mercilessly perusing blogs, websites, eBay, and they are not for sale anywhere! the frustration is killing me. ikea had them a few years ago, but i cannot find them for sale at all. probably because they are so incredible that no one wants to sell theirs.

so, please, if anyone finds one of these please let me know where. because i am buying one for me and ronald.
and another thing. there is a great little thrift antique store here in rva called class and trash. i went there a few weeks ago with a friend and walked away w/ an original george nelson set with table and six chairs for a steal! its in decent shape and will take a little cash to get back into great shape, but very worth it to me. the place is unbelievable. tucked away in glen allen of all places! it is one of those stores that you want no one else to ever find so only you can find the great deals. but, secrets out. they claim to have "shabby chic to true antique", and they really do. shabby chic is kind of an insider among our friends, so when i saw this on the door i immediately texted my friend, matthew. it was just too good. so, go there. [but really don't go there, so i can continue to find excellent pieces.]
a place i've been meaning to check out since before i moved here: metro modern. yes, i do love modern furniture. yes, it is usually expensive. but very much worth it. metro modern gets new pieces in a lot, so i really need to get over there and check them out. i emailed them about my set being refurbished and they were kind enough to direct me to a guy who could reupholster my chairs!
who wouldn't LOVE this calder mobile? i mean COME ON!
and another thing. there is a great little thrift antique store here in rva called class and trash. i went there a few weeks ago with a friend and walked away w/ an original george nelson set with table and six chairs for a steal! its in decent shape and will take a little cash to get back into great shape, but very worth it to me. the place is unbelievable. tucked away in glen allen of all places! it is one of those stores that you want no one else to ever find so only you can find the great deals. but, secrets out. they claim to have "shabby chic to true antique", and they really do. shabby chic is kind of an insider among our friends, so when i saw this on the door i immediately texted my friend, matthew. it was just too good. so, go there. [but really don't go there, so i can continue to find excellent pieces.]
a place i've been meaning to check out since before i moved here: metro modern. yes, i do love modern furniture. yes, it is usually expensive. but very much worth it. metro modern gets new pieces in a lot, so i really need to get over there and check them out. i emailed them about my set being refurbished and they were kind enough to direct me to a guy who could reupholster my chairs!

this place of course reminds me of our friend marc because he is a designer of modern furniture and an admirer like me. someday, hopefully [fingers crossed], i will be able to afford pieces that i want. who knows, maybe one day, metro modern will have the arco lamp i want, and i won't have to pay full price for it? heres to hoping.
pretty cool ice cube trays:
for large single ice blocks, use a small cube cake mold:
i just dont think...its big enough!