saturday was full of distractions also. but, when we get together, this tends to happen. woken up with lips purple from the night before and a severe hankering for cinnamon rolls, we headed over to the nearest grocery store and got some. that and a couple of cappuccinos later, we were finally on it. after some surious googlage and photoshop lassoing it was time for another diversion: dumplings a la ronald. ronald def. gets her skillz from her mama. larry inhaled as usual and ronald tried to stop her, but that never works and didn't this time either.

mama asia would be proud. well, she would still be critical, who am i kidding.
then we chatted it up with a couple of our fabulous friends in foreign countries. first, lovely stephen who lives in hong kong. we bored him with our dorky calendar talk and he showed off his shoe collection. later we talked to erik, who lives in amsterdam. we discussed the new madame gaga video[especially the beyoncé factor: conclusion was that she is always always ferocious, but honey b was a little out of place] and had a mini dance sesh. then we judged each other.

fab fab fab she is! makes erik excited.
by that time it was crunch time. ames, our second year "little" from studio last year was coming over for dinner, then we were to go out for some drinks. we laid out our calendar, made some pages to print [aka shit sandwiches, according to larry], prepared dinner, AND made a sonic run for some sweet bevs and even strolled around our local tjmaxx.

work larry! look at her go!
strawberries and wine followed our dinner with ames, and us three wild girls headed out for a quiet night out on the town, being that no one we knew would be out. or at least we hoped...but, to our pleasant surprise we ended up having quite a bit of fun and a good amount to drink. needless to say the night ended with the fattiest pigout you could imagine and some drunk messaging on facebook and the telly. it was like freshman year in college all over again. minus the puking.

this is us and our little ames.
the next morning we were in a panic. we had a goal of paying a visit to an indian buffet which closed at 3pm, and we woke up at 11[daylight savings was also in effect starting that morning] with a blank piece of 11 x 17 paper to fill. the next three hours consisted of wrestling the printer, feverishly xyloling, inhaling fumes and getting loopy, shivering in the cold air to air out the fumes, and watercoloring, with multiple high fives in between.

a lil sneak peak if we may.
the end of the buffet was nearing, but we made it work after a feverish scramble and near bottom out into the parking lot. after stuffing our faces extremely too fast, making friends with the cutest twins in the world, and a random catchup with an old studio buddy, we dragged our bodies, sluggish with goat meat, back to the haus of ronald and finished our masterpiece. we are proud to say that we lurvh eit. apparently the calendar committee requests that our finished products remain a secret till the great unveiling. so it shall remain a surprise. and everyone should be waiting anxiously for the amazingness.
all in all this weekend was solid and much needed for both parties involved. and we TOTES still got it. we ate like we were teenagers, partied like we were in college, and still cranked out our creative juices and met a deadline. whut whut. this must happen again. and soon. and a lot more often.
we're officially exhausted and spent,
ronald + larry
I didn't know you had a blog, Vee! This is so cool. :) I can't wait to see the finished calendar!
ReplyDeletelove it.
you guys.