the island of santa cruz itself is a large dormant volcano and is famous for its lava tunnels. the neighboring towns of bellavista and santa rosa have the longest ones, and the one we went to was the tunel del amor(tunnel of love). ironically the tunnel itself is super muggy and kind of creepy... and on top of that someone decided to throw up inside of it before our visit. not really romantic.

another shoddy photoshop job, but this'll do.
the moisture in the cave, caught on camera.
an attempt at a better picture...

the gorgeous jungle!
and the gorgeous town of bellavista. appropriately named.
the lady maintaining the lava tunnels offered us some red bananas.
after many failed attempts, i finally caught a darwin finch on camera! yes!
and speaking of cool birds, looky at this here egret.
we absolutely had to go back to tortuga bay and playa mensa. hands down our favorite spot in the galapagos. this time around, we actually witnessed a small wedding on the beach. after the ceremony, the newlyweds took off in their private boat. baller!!

the always breathtaking tortuga bay.

playa de mensa, if you look closely there is a wedding going on at the right side of the panorama.

close up of the wedding, i felt like such a creeper.

baby fishies just hanging out.
our friend the hermit crab! we named him calvin.
dilz swimming with his marine iguana.
on our way out to baltra the next morning we decided to make a quick pitstop to los gemelos, meaning "the twins" in spanish, which are two giant craters formed by a volcano eruption. it was unreal, and i wish the pictures would do it more justice...

i tried....ugh! impossible.
this marks the end of our galapagos adventures, one more entry to go!
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