so, no more being lame. we're going to start actually posting again. and being diligent. for real this time.
RONALD IS NOW LIVING IN RVA. she joins me in my city. and i must say it has been wonderful thus far. and yes! she got a job at the cutest coffee shop. more on that to come, from her, after her first day tomorrow.
so, it is so unbearably hot here, that i want summer to go away forever and just not come back. it is atrocious. you cant go to anyones apartment without melting into a puddle. i mean, come on: [see below]

my running partner sent me that. and ew. it was so nasty out. so, i have turned my sights on cooking to pass the boredom. baking is not so great in the summer. but i am currently obsessed with making a variety of bizarre lemonades. latest conquest: rosemary lemonade. next time, more sugar. but man, refreshment mania! ive been using a simple syrup foundation and adding what i want to that. its just boiling 1/2 cup of water with a 1/2 cup of sugar. i added rosemary to that this time, but i think i need more sugar next time. it couldve been sweeter. the essence of rosemary was supah good though, which is my favourite herb!
in other news: go HOKIES! our alma mater placed first in the solar decathlon europe! ronald and i both know people on the team that we went to school with and i have seen the house and its pretty great.

[go allison, and the rest of the team!] so proud of them. lots of hard work and time went into the design, research, and construction of the project, and taking it overseas was quite the job. so, way to go.
im tired. so, this was a weak way to get back into it. but i promise we will start spicing it up, once we get on a schedule. and then we will actually be collaborating on posts.
oh and one last note: the trio went to the spitzer house tour through modern rva a few weeks ago and it was gorgeous, darling. do start going to modern richmond tours if you live here. they are fantastic!
[a picture was supposed to be here, but after five unsuccessful attempts at placing it, i give up. and we're going to start looking for another blog site b/c im beginning to hate this one!]
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